Old School Farming

Like everything in life, farming has evolved. Technology, speed and cost have driven those changes. Now large, expensive farming tractors and machines do the work. Not so long ago a team of horses or mules on a family farm prepped the fields and harvested the crops. It was slow, hard work, but the images from back in the day are so nostalgic. But then came the tractor — and off went the horses. Some breeds of draft horses nearly became extinct— a few saved by Amish farmers.

The tools and knowledge have disappeared as time goes by, but Across America, we see a new spirit to do things the old way. Teamster Luke Messenger uses his draft team to plow the fields and harvest the very hay they will eat — on land just outside Chico, California. This is Old School Farming in a big way that Norman Rockwell would have loved.


Old School Farming

Like everything in life, farming has evolved. Technology, speed and cost have driven those changes. Now large, expensive farming tractors and machines do the work. Not so long ago a team of horses or mules on a family farm prepped the fields and harvested the crops. It was slow, hard work, but the images from back in the day are so nostalgic. But then came the tractor — and off went the horses. Some breeds of draft horses nearly became extinct— a few saved by Amish farmers.

The tools and knowledge have disappeared as time goes by, but Across America, we see a new spirit to do things the old way. Teamster Luke Messenger uses his draft team to plow the fields and harvest the very hay they will eat — on land just outside Chico, California. This is Old School Farming in a big way that Norman Rockwell would have loved.


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