Celebrating the Accordion

For a time, it was the most popular instrument in America. Then came rock and roll, and the electric guitar. Suddenly accordion music was not cool. Comedians had a field day. The Polkas on Lawrence Welk did not help. But all over the country, in tiny towns, where culture matters, the accordion slowly came back to life. Suddenly in Tex-Mex, Italians, the Cajuns, and Creole in Louisiana, Celtic folk music, and even cowboys out west, brought the instrument back to life.

And guess what?? The millennials love it! Go figure. Here’s a sample of the bigger program we are working on called “Saving the Accordion,” all the places we found where the squeeze box keeps the Music of Americana alive in a big way.

Celebrating the Accordion

For a time, it was the most popular instrument in America. Then came rock and roll, and the electric guitar. Suddenly accordion music was not cool. Comedians had a field day. The Polkas on Lawrence Welk did not help. But all over the country, in tiny towns, where culture matters, the accordion slowly came back to life. Suddenly in Tex-Mex, Italians, the Cajuns, and Creole in Louisiana, Celtic folk music, and even cowboys out west, brought the instrument back to life.

And guess what?? The millennials love it! Go figure. Here’s a sample of the bigger program we are working on called “Saving the Accordion,” all the places we found where the squeeze box keeps the Music of Americana alive in a big way.

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