Icons of the American West


When you think about the west, a lot of images come to mind — vast landscapes, cattle drives, horses, cowboys, and the endless plains rolling into the mountains. And nothing makes you feel you have gone back to those old days like a spinning windmill. If it’s needing oil, and makes that sound — you know what we mean — well, you just stop there and stare. Boy, can it take you back. Of course on ranches and farms from the midwest all the way to the Pacific Ocean, as electricity arrived, no one needed the old mills — and they just started to rot away and fall over. Well, it turns out we did need them — if for no other reason than to sit out on the porch on a windy evening — and let that familiar noise just sooth our souls. So Across America, a new army is racing to save the old windmills — and build new mills in the very same style. This is the story that will leaving you crying AND smiling — as they rush to save The Icons of the American West.



Icons of the American West


When you think about the west, a lot of images come to mind — vast landscapes, cattle drives, horses, cowboys, and the endless plains rolling into the mountains. And nothing makes you feel you have gone back to those old days like a spinning windmill. If it’s needing oil, and makes that sound — you know what we mean — well, you just stop there and stare. Boy, can it take you back. Of course on ranches and farms from the midwest all the way to the Pacific Ocean, as electricity arrived, no one needed the old mills — and they just started to rot away and fall over. Well, it turns out we did need them — if for no other reason than to sit out on the porch on a windy evening — and let that familiar noise just sooth our souls. So Across America, a new army is racing to save the old windmills — and build new mills in the very same style. This is the story that will leaving you crying AND smiling — as they rush to save The Icons of the American West.



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