Small Town Loveland, Colorado

We found a town that’s really not all that small — but totally feels like a small town from the old days. Loveland, Colorado started as a farming community, is a gateway to a major national park and a center of art. But for many people its big claim to fame: it’s the center of the universe for Valentine’s Day. Makes sense with a name like Loveland.

The city has really cashed in on that “Love” connection. Back in the 1940’s it took an interesting turn. First targeting stamp collectors — special Loveland cancel artwork was created. It just mushroomed way past stamp collectors. Face it, there’s nothing like getting a Valentine’s Card from “Loveland.” So hundreds of volunteers keep that history alive — re-stamping and mailing letters from Loveland all over the world.


And all over town, new history is being written.

The community is rapidly getting the reputation as a center of bronze foundries. A whole art industry has sprung up in Loveland, so more and more artists are moving here and you see fantastic works of art all over the community.

Yet — it still has that Small Town Americana feel — just lots of sculptures and hearts all over town.





Small Town Loveland, Colorado

We found a town that’s really not all that small — but totally feels like a small town from the old days. Loveland, Colorado started as a farming community, is a gateway to a major national park and a center of art. But for many people its big claim to fame: it’s the center of the universe for Valentine’s Day. Makes sense with a name like Loveland.

The city has really cashed in on that “Love” connection. Back in the 1940’s it took an interesting turn. First targeting stamp collectors — special Loveland cancel artwork was created. It just mushroomed way past stamp collectors. Face it, there’s nothing like getting a Valentine’s Card from “Loveland.” So hundreds of volunteers keep that history alive — re-stamping and mailing letters from Loveland all over the world.


And all over town, new history is being written.

The community is rapidly getting the reputation as a center of bronze foundries. A whole art industry has sprung up in Loveland, so more and more artists are moving here and you see fantastic works of art all over the community.

Yet — it still has that Small Town Americana feel — just lots of sculptures and hearts all over town.





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In “Small Town Americana”, we visit off-the-interstate places that seem unchanged.

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